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#   Information for sediment cores collected by ROV Global Explorer on PE17_22 (Wood Fall project)
#   PIs: Craig R. MCClain (LUMCON) and Seth D. Newsome (UNM)
#   Contact: Clifton C. Nunnally (LUMCON)
#   Version: 2017-09-15
#   All missing data denoted with nd.  NA refers to a data field that is not applicable.
rov_dive  site        depth  core_no  date          experiment       sorter    date_sorted  core_type  core_id  group_number  
GE1       WF1         2180   7        2017-05-26    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE1-C7   1             
GE1       WF1         2180   11       2017-05-26    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE1-C11  1             
GE1       WF1         2180   4        2017-05-26    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE1-C4   1             
GE1       WF1         2180   13       2017-05-26    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE1-C13  1             
GE1       WF1         2180   10       2017-05-26    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE1-C10  1             
GE1       WF1         2180   19       2017-05-26    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE1-C19  2             
GE1       WF1         2180   15       2017-05-26    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE1-C15  2             
GE1       WF1         2180   17       2017-05-26    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE1-C17  2             
GE1       WF1         2180   8        2017-05-26    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE1-C8   2             
GE1       WF1         2180   1        2017-05-26    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE1-C1   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   B        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   2017-06-14   Okeanus    GE2-CB   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   D        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   2017-06-15   Okeanus    GE2-CD   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   G        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-06-14   Okeanus    GE2-CG   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   T        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-06-15   Okeanus    GE2-CT   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   N        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   2017-06-16   Okeanus    GE2-CN   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   A        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-06-19   Okeanus    GE2-CA   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   P        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   2017-06-19   Okeanus    GE2-CP   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   K        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   2017-06-26   Okeanus    GE2-CK   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   E        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-06-27   Okeanus    GE2-CE   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   I        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   2017-07-03   Okeanus    GE2-CI   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   M        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-06-26   Okeanus    GE2-CM   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   J        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-06-27   Okeanus    GE2-CJ   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   Q        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-07-03   Okeanus    GE2-CQ   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   L        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-07-18   Okeanus    GE2-CL   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   R        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   2017-07-06   Okeanus    GE2-CR   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   S        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   2017-07-06   Okeanus    GE2-CS   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   H        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   2017-07-03   Okeanus    GE2-CH   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   O        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-07-17   Okeanus    GE2-CO   2             
GE2       WF1         2171   14       2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-06-26   Okeanus    GE2-C14  1             
GE2       WF1         2171   19       2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-07-10   Okeanus    GE2-C19  1             
GE2       WF1         2171   8        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   2017-06-27   Okeanus    GE2-C8   1             
GE2       WF1         2171   20       2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-07-07   Okeanus    GE2-C20  1             
GE2       WF1         2171   6        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-07-07   Okeanus    GE2-C6   1             
GE2       WF1         2171   C        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   2017-06-29   Okeanus    GE2-CC   1             
GE2       WF1         2171   3        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-07-07   Okeanus    GE2-C3   1             
GE2       WF1         2171   4        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   2017-07-03   Okeanus    GE2-C4   1             
GE2       WF1         2171   12       2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-07-10   Okeanus    GE2-C12  1             
GE2       WF1         2171   18       2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    2017-07-06   Okeanus    GE2-C18  1             
GE2       WF1         2171   1        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    nd           Okeanus    GE2-C1   1             
GE2       WF1         2171   13       2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    nd           Okeanus    GE2-C13  1             
GE2       WF1         2171   10       2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   nd           Okeanus    GE2-C10  1             
GE2       WF1         2171   9        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Landry    nd           Okeanus    GE2-C9   1             
GE2       WF1         2171   11       2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   nd           Okeanus    GE2-C11  1             
GE2       WF1         2171   2        2017-05-27    patch mosaic     Gholson   nd           Okeanus    GE2-C2   1             
GE3       WF2         2032   7        2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-C7   1             
GE3       WF2         2032   20       2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-C20  1             
GE3       WF2         2032   10       2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-C10  1             
GE3       WF2         2032   12       2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-C12  1             
GE3       WF2         2032   2        2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-C2   1             
GE3       WF2         2032   15       2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-C15  1             
GE3       WF2         2032   8        2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-C8   1             
GE3       WF2         2032   18       2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-C18  1             
GE3       WF2         2032   3        2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-C3   1             
GE3       WF2         2032   6        2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-C6   2             
GE3       WF2         2032   11       2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-C11  2             
GE3       WF2         2032   G        2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-CG   3             
GE3       WF2         2032   N        2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-CN   3             
GE3       WF2         2032   E        2017-05-28    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE3-CE   3             
GE4       WF3         1986   3        2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C3   1             
GE4       WF3         1986   20       2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C20  1             
GE4       WF3         1986   17       2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C17  1             
GE4       WF3         1986   5        2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C5   1             
GE4       WF3         1986   8        2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C8   1             
GE4       WF3         1986   G        2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-CG   1             
GE4       WF3         1986   10       2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C10  1             
GE4       WF3         1986   15       2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C15  1             
GE4       WF3         1986   7        2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C7   1             
GE4       WF3         1986   6        2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C6   1             
GE4       WF3         1986   4        2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C4   1             
GE4       WF3         1986   12       2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C12  1             
GE4       WF3         1986   2        2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C2   1             
GE4       WF3         1986   9        2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C9   1             
GE4       WF3         1986   11       2017-05-29    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE4-C11  1             
GE6       WF4         1963   20       2007-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C20  1             
GE6       WF4         1963   17       2017-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C17  1             
GE6       WF4         1963   3        2027-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C3   1             
GE6       WF4         1963   7        1937-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C7   1             
GE6       WF4         1963   19       1947-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C19  1             
GE6       WF4         1963   6        1957-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C6   1             
GE6       WF4         1963   11       1967-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C11  1             
GE6       WF4         1963   18       1977-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C18  1             
GE6       WF4         1963   1        1987-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C1   1             
GE6       WF4         1963   5        1997-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C5   1             
GE6       WF4         1963   E        2007-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-CE   1             
GE6       WF4         1963   G        2017-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-CG   1             
GE6       WF4         1963   8        2027-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C8   1             
GE6       WF4         1963   9        1937-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C9   1             
GE6       WF4         1963   2        1947-05-31    wf background    nd        nd           Okeanus    GE6-C2   1             
GE7       DWH_500N    1419   C        2017-06-01    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE7-CC   1             
GE7       DWH_500N    1422   H        2017-06-01    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE7-CH   1             
GE7       DWH_500N    1424   3        2017-06-01    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE7-C3   1             
GE7       DWH_500N    1424   8        2017-06-01    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE7-C8   1             
GE7       DWH_500N    1523   1        2017-06-01    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE7-C1   2             
GE7       DWH_500N    1524   2        2017-06-01    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE7-C2   2             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1598   J        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-CJ   1             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1598   D        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-CD   1             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1598   15       2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-C15  1             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1598   18       2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-C18  1             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1598   R        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-CR   1             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1598   L        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-CL   1             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1598   S        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-CS   1             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1598   E        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-CE   1             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1598   12       2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-C12  1             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1598   G        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-CG   1             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1594   B        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-CB   2             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1594   F        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-CF   2             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1594   7        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-C7   2             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1594   K        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-CK   2             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1594   O        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-CO   2             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1594   A        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-CA   2             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1594   20       2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-C20  2             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1594   11       2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-C11  2             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1594   10       2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-C10  2             
GE8       DWH_2000S   1594   9        2017-06-02    DWH impacts      nd        nd           Okeanus    GE8-C9   2